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Discontinuing Orders

When an order is discontinued, the order's Stop Date/Time is changed to the date/time the action is taken. Pending and Non-verified orders are deleted when discontinued and will no longer appear on the patient's profile. An entry is placed in the order's Activity Log recording who discontinued the order and when the action was taken.

For unsigned, unreleased orders, if the user discontinues the order in the same CPRS session when the order was placed, the order is deleted and will not display. The reason for this is that the order was never seen by anyone else, therefore, it can be deleted. If the order is unsigned and unreleased, but was placed in a different CPRS session, another user may have seen the order, therefore, the order is CANCELLED, but still displays so that others who might have seen it know that it was cancelled.

To discontinue an order, use these steps:

1.     Select the Orders tab.

2.     Select the order or orders you want to discontinue.

3.     Select Action | Discontinue/Cancel.

A dialog may appear asking for the clinician's name and the location (encounter information).


4.     Select the name of the clinician (you may need to scroll through the list), select the encounter location, and then select OK.

Another dialog will appear asking for the reason why the order is being discontinued.


5.     Select the appropriate reason from the box in the lower left of the dialog and select OK.

6.     If the order you are discontinuing is a pending renewal of another order, CPRS needs to know how to deal with the order you are discontinuing, and the original order. Choose the appropriate action from the dialog that displays:

o    DC Both

o    DC Pending

o    Cancel - No Action Taken


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