Home > Entering a Complex Dose


Entering a Complex Dose

Note: If the user attempts to order inpatient medications for an inpatient from an outpatient location, CPRS discontinues the order process and returns the user to original Orders or Meds tab display.

To enter a complex dose, use these steps:

1. Select the Complex Dose tab.

Note:      Once you begin a complex order, you must remain on the Complex tab until you finish that order. Do not attempt to start from or switch back to the Dosage tab. If you do, all complex dosages will be erased and you will be forced to start again.


2. In the dosage field, select the appropriate dosage.

3. In the Route cell, enter the route.

4. In the Schedule cell, enter how often the medication should be taken (click PRN if desired).

5. In the Duration cell, enter a number and select units (days is the default) a patient should use the specified dose.

6. Add the appropriate conjunction: And, Then, Except (Except is only for Outpatient Meds) or no conjunction for the final line.

7. Move to the dosage field in the next row and select a dosage.

8. CPRS will fill in the Route and Schedule fields. If necessary, click in and change the Route and Schedule cells.

9. Move to each cell as needed and enter a duration and a conjunction.

10. Repeat steps 7-9 until you have completed the complex dose.

Note: You can also add or remove a row in the complex dosage. If you add a row, the new row will be placed above the selected row. To add a row, click the gray area in front of the row and click Add Row. To delete a row, click the gray area in front of the row to be deleted and click Delete Row.


11. Return to the normal instructions for medications ordering (click on the popup window to make it disappear).