To place a regular diet order, follow these steps:
1. Select the Orders tab.
2. Select the active orders view from the View Orders pane
select View | Active Orders (includes pending, recent activity).
3. Select Diet in the Write Orders list box.
4. If there is a conflict, ensure that the order you are entering will not create a problem with a current or delayed diet order.
The Diet Order dialog will appear.
Note: The diet order may be labeled differently or may not be available from your Write Orders field.
Note: The encounter information dialog may appear before the Diet Order dialog if you have not entered encounter information. If the encounter information dialog appears, enter the necessary information and select OK.
5. Choose a diet from the Available Diet Components list box on the Diet tab. (Quick orders are at the top of the list).
The component that you select will be displayed in the Selected Diet Components field. You can remove a component by selecting it and clicking Remove.
6. Enter the effective date and time and the expiration date and time by doing one of the following:
o entering a date (e.g. 6/21/01 or June 21, 2001)
o entering a date formula (e.g. t-200).
o pressing the button
to bring up a calendar.
7. Select a delivery method from the Delivery field.
8. Type in any special instructions.
9. Select Accept Order.
Note: The order must be signed before it is sent. You can either sign the order now or wait until later.
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